
9 October 2023

Iraq: Four years since Ali Jasseb Hattab Al-Heliji has forcibly disappeared


Today, Monday 9 October, marks four years since the disappearance of lawyer Ali Jasseb Hattab-Al-Heliji. On 8 October 2019, armed men suspected of belonging to the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) abducted Ali Jaseb Hattab al-Heliji, a lawyer representing arrested protesters,

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4 October 2023

Joint Statement on the arrest of Zimbabwean human rights lawyers Douglas Coltart and Tapiwa Muchineripi


On 4 September 2023, human rights lawyers Doug Coltart and Tapiwa Muchineripi of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights were arrested for obstructing and/or defeating the course of justice. After a hearing on 5 September at the Magistrate court, they have

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2 October 2023

Prominent Thai Lawyer and Activist Arnon Nampa Sentenced to 4 Years Under Controversial Lese-Majeste Law


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) is deeply concerned about the recent developments in the case surrounding the prominent Thai activist and human rights lawyer, Arnon Nampa. On 26 September 2023, Arnon Nampa was sentenced to 4 years in prison under Thailand’s

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2 October 2023

Prominent Thai Lawyer and Activist Arnon Nampa Sentenced to 4 Years Under Controversial Lese-Majeste Law


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) is deeply concerned about the recent developments in the case surrounding the prominent Thai activist and human rights lawyer, Arnon Nampa. On 26 September 2023, Arnon Nampa was sentenced to 4 years in prison under Thailand’s

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28 September 2023

Continued detention of Tajik lawyer Buzurghmehr Yorov


Today, September 28, 2023, marks the eighth anniversary of the unlawful detention of our colleague, lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov. Buzurgmehr Yorov is a renowned human rights lawyer in Tajikistan. He has gained recognition by taking on high-profile cases representing individuals who

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27 September 2023

Vietnamese lawyers Dang Dinh Manh, Dao Kim Lan and Nguyen Van Mieng forced to flee their country


Laywers for Lawyers is concerned about the judicial harassment of the Vietnamese lawyers Dang Dinh Manh, Dao Kim Lan and Nguyen Van Mieng. The three lawyers were summoned by the police in the Long An province on suspicion of abusing

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27 September 2023

Statement on the deprivation of licenses from Belarusian lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) remains deeply concerned about the plight of lawyers in Belarus.  Following the presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus in 2020, the Belarusian Legal Profession has come under the control of the Belarusian Ministry of Justice.

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21 September 2023

Oud bestuurslid Joost Italianer overleden

Foto: Gregor Servais Lawyers for Lawyers ontving het verdrietige nieuws dat Joost Italianer op 9 september 2023 na een langdurige ziekte is overleden. Joost was advocaat bij NautaDutilh, begenadigd jazzpianist en, van 2004 tot 2015, bestuurslid van Lawyers for Lawyers.

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20 September 2023

Philippine lawyer Maria Alzate killed in broad daylight


Atty. Maria Alzate, a Philippine lawyer known for defending the poor, was killed on Thursday September 14, in Abra province, in the north of the country. In broad daylight, two unidentified assassins on a motorcycle shot her at close range,

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15 September 2023

Joint Statement to the HRC on restrictions against HR Lawyers in the Russian Federation

Russian Federation

On 9 August 2023, Lawyers for Lawyers, IBAHRI, and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, submitted a statement to the Human Rights Council 54th Session on the Russian Federation’s systemic restrictions and repressive actions against Human Rights Lawyers. The above-mentioned organisations expressed

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13 September 2023

Joint oral statement on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan


On 11 September 2023, Lawyers for Lawyers, The Law Society of England and Wales and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada delivered an oral statement during the Interactive Dialogue on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan. The Interactive dialogue took place

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13 September 2023

Joint oral statement on the report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar

On 11 September 2023, Lawyers for Lawyers, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, The Law Society of England and Wales and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada delivered an oral statement during the Interactive Dialogue on the report of the Independent

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