
31 January 2023

Joint statement on the forced deportation of human rights lawyer Salah Hammouri

Occupied Palestinian Territory

Lawyers for Lawyers, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada are concerned about the forced deportation of Salah Hammouri. As a lawyer, Mr. Hammouri represents political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. He has been

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27 January 2023

Interview Nazeli Vardanyan: “Nothing can stop me as an environmental lawyer, I will fight until justice is done. International solidarity and support will guarantee the safety of environmental lawyers around the world”


Illustration: Joost Hölscher The Armenian environmental lawyer, Nazeli Vardanyan, is admirable for her commitment to protecting Armenia’s environment. She is the founder and director of Armenian Forests Environmental NGO, which is committed to afforestation, reforestation, nature protection, engagement of community

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26 January 2023

Killing of Eswatini human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko


Lawyers for Lawyers received the shocking news that, on 21 January 2023, Eswatini human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko was shot death in his home. This killing was condemned by the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. Thulani

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23 January 2023

Venezuela: judiciary as weapon for political prosecution


by Trudeke Sillevis Smitt The Rule of Law Index 2022 was released at the end of October. In the very last place, number 140: Venezuela. The well-known human rights lawyer Alfredo Romero explains why. “It may sound unbelievable, but in

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22 January 2023

Chinese New Year: Looking back on another year of repression of China’s legal professionals


Today, 22 January, marks the start of the Chinese New Year and the start of the Spring Festival. Hopefully, the start of the Year of the Rabbit will bring a better tide for China’s human rights lawyers compared to the

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19 January 2023

Letter to the Lawyers Council of Thailand on the disbarment proceedings against Arnon Nampa


Lawyers for Lawyers again expressed concerns about the disbarment proceedings against lawyer and human rights defender Mr. Arnon Nampa. Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the disbarment proceeding against Mr. Arnon Nampa, a lawyer and human rights defender, that is

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16 January 2023

Tang Jitian released


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that the Chinese human rights lawyer Tang Jitian was released on 14 January. Tang had been practicing law in Beijing since July 2007. He took on a lot of human rights cases, including those

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16 January 2023

Interview Syeda Rizwana Hasan: “Environmental justice is intrinsic to every other human rights issue”

Illustration: Joost Hölscher Syeda Rizwana Hasan is a renowned environmental lawyer from Bangladesh and the chief executive of the Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA). As the only environmental justice organisation in Bangladesh, BELA is involved in advocacy and environmental public

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4 January 2023

Lawyer Tony Germain Nkina released from prison


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that Tony Germain Nkina has been released from prison after the Supreme Court of Burundi quashed his judgment on 8 December 2022. The well known human rights lawyer from Kayanza, Burundi provided legal assistance

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2 January 2023

Nominate now for the Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2023!

The Lawyers for Lawyers Award aims to honor lawyers who have made significant contributions to the protection of the rule of law and human rights in challenging environments. Through the Award, Lawyers for Lawyers generates public recognition for the work

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22 December 2022

Adil Meléndez Marquez: “When starting a legal case, there is no guarantee at all that it will ever be treated, let alone that environmental and human rights violations are actually punished”


Illustration: Joost Hölscher Adil Meléndez Márquez, 46 years old and born in San Onofre, department of Sucre, Colombia, lives in the north of Colombia in Cartagena de las Indias. He works as an environmental and human rights lawyer and mainly

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22 December 2022

Lawyers supporting protestors in China targeted by authorities


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about reports of lawyers being targeted by the Chinese state security police. The lawyers have been providing pro bono legal advice to people arrested during the recent anti-lockdown protests. In the past few weeks, peaceful

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