
11 March 2022

Joint oral statement on China during ID with SR on Torture


On 11 March 2022, Lawyers for Lawyers alongside Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), and Human Rights Now, NGOs in special consultative status and endorsed by The 29 Principles and The Rights Practice, deliverd

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3 March 2022

Interview Dennis Kwok: ‘Hong Kong has become a police state’


Everyone should subject their relations with Hong Kong and China to a risk analysis, says Dennis Kwok. The repression in Hong Kong is only a symptom of the new style of China’s politics. Peace of mind is hard to find

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3 March 2022

Free imprisoned human rights lawyer Mohammad Najafi in Iran


The lawyer Mohammad Najafi, who has been unlawfully and unjustly imprisoned in Iran since 2018 on multiple convictions for his defense of basic civil and political liberties and is currently serving a 54-month prison sentence, should be freed immediately, Lawyers

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2 March 2022

Solidarity with Ukrainian lawyers and other Ukrainian citizens


Lawyers for Lawyers is gravely concerned by the news about the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. We condemn the actions of the Russian Federation, which are in contravention of the international law which prohibits the threat or use

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1 March 2022

Yu Wensheng reunites with his family in Beijing


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng was able to leave Nanjing Prison and reunite with his family in Beijing on 1 March 2022, as reported by his wife Xu Yan. Yu Wensheng left

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28 February 2022

Oral statement to Human Rights Committee on the Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Today Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the 134th session of the Human Rights Committee for the review of the Russian Federation’s compliance with its international human rights obligations, and more in particular the implementation of the International

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24 February 2022

Illia Salei included in the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine as a foreign lawyer


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that the Belarusian lawyer, Illia Salei, has been included in the Unified Register of Lawyers of Ukraine as a foreign lawyer. Salei represented the presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka and Maria Kolesnikova, a leader of

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21 February 2022

Letter on the arrest and detention of Osama Bayoumi


In a letter, Lawyers for Lawyers expresses serious concern over the arbitrary arrest, subsequent disappearance and ongoing detention of Egyptian human rights lawyer Osama Bayoumi. Mr. Bayoumi is a member of the Lawyers Syndicate and working on prominent human rights

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15 February 2022

L4L observes case against Ankara Bar Association


On 15 December 2021 representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers observed the first hearing in the trial against the Executive Board Members of the Ankara Bar Association (ABA). The Executive Board Members are charged with publicly insulting a public official, after

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15 February 2022

On March 1st, Chinese lawyer Yu Wensheng must be fully free


In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers and nine human rights organizations urge the Chinese government to ensure lawyer Yu Wensheng is able to leave Nanjing Prison and freely reunite with his family in Beijing on 1 March 2022. A

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14 February 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers receives donations from the professionals who are connected to the ‘Beroepsopleiding Advocaten’

Lawyers for Lawyers has received a donation of €6.750 from the professionals who are connected to the ‘Beroepsopleiding Advocaten’, the vocational training for lawyers by the Netherlands Bar. The executive organization for the Beroepsopleiding Advocaten offered various Christmas gift options

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10 February 2022

Geuzenpenning 2022 awarded to Lawyers for Lawyers

The Geuzenpenning 2022 has been awarded to Lawyers for Lawyers. This was announced by the Geuzenpenning Foundation today. Kathleen Ferrier, chairwoman of the Geuzenpenning foundation: “A free and independent professional practice of lawyers is indispensable for the rule of law

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