
25 February 2017

Trial against lawyer Nkongho Felix Agbor-Balla


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned by the trial of lawyer Nkongho Felix Agbor-Balla from the Republic of Cameroon. Agbor-Balla faces wide-ranging and serious charges, including ‘Hostilities against the Fatherland’ and incitement to civil war and revolution. A number of the

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10 February 2017

Li Chunfu released on bail


On 12 January 2017, 44-year-old lawyer Li Chunfu was released on bail, after a detention of nearly 18 months. Li Chunfu is the younger brother of Li Heping, another prominent human rights attorney who was arrested on 10 July 2015

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6 February 2017

Killing of lawyer U Ko Ni


Lawyers for Lawyers was shocked to learn about the killing of lawyer U Ko Ni on 29 January 2017. We call on the authorities of Myanmar to conduct a prompt, thorough, impartial and transparent investigation into the killing of U

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1 February 2017

Crimea Lawyers harassed

Russian Federation

Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the harassment of Emil Kurbedinov and Nikolai Polozov, both working as human rights defense lawyers in the Crimea. Both lawyers were detained in January 2017. This was reported by Human Rights Watch on their

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25 January 2017

Burundi Lawyers disbarred

On 16 January 2017, the ‘Secrétaire Général et porte parole de la Cour Suprême’ of Burundi posted a message on her Twitter account, stating lawyers Vital Nshimirimana, Armel Niyongere, Dieudonnee Bashirahishize from the Bujumbura Bar Association, and to suspend Lambert

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23 December 2016

Day of the Endangered Lawyer


Tuesday 24 January 2017 is the “Day of the endangered lawyer”. This year, the annual events focus on lawyers in China.  In July 2015, a unprecedented and seemingly well-coordinated detention campaign of a large number of human rights lawyers and defenders in China

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16 December 2016

Vietnam Nguyen Van Dai detained for one year – send him a postcard!


The Vietnamese government must immediately and unconditionally release human rights lawyer and blogger Nguyen Van Dai, Lawyers for Lawyers and other organizations said today. Nguyen Van Dai has been arbitrarily detained for exactly one year, without access to legal representation

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14 December 2016

Sentencing of two lawyers in UAE


On 12 December, Lawyers for Lawyers called on the authorities of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to immediately release Vahit Aykut Ergil and Abdulmetin Uraçin, both lawyers from Turkey. We have reason to believe that their conviction might be connected

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10 December 2016

Travel ban and asset freeze against human rights lawyers


In a letter, Lawyers for Lawyers called upon the Egyptian authorities to immediately lift the travel ban against Azza Soliman and Malek Adly and to immediately and unconditionally lift the assets freeze imposed against Azza Soliman her law firm. Lawyers

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9 December 2016

Razan Zaitouneh missing for three years


Since human rights lawyer Razan Zaitouneh, her husband and two colleagues were abducted on 9 December 2013, no one has heard of them. Today, exactly three years after their disappearance, fifty-six organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, called for their immediate

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9 December 2016

Human Rights Day: Join Lawyers for Lawyers’s campaigns!

On 10 December – Human Rights Day- people from all over the world will write letters. For those who are in prison, who are tortured or who are threatened. Among them are many lawyers that Lawyers for Lawyers is campaigning for.

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30 November 2016

Petition to WGAD on Nguyen Van Dai


Together with Media Legal Defence Initiative, PEN International, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada and Viet Tan, Lawyers for Lawyers filed a petition with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) urging it to intervene in the case of lawyer Nguyen Van

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