
30 November 2016

Report Caravana mission


On 18 November 2016, the report of the fifth Caravana de Juristas mission to Colombia was published. Lawyers for Lawyers joined the mission for the fifth time. In August 2016, Wout Albers and Marit Balkema visited Colombia with the Caravana.

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30 November 2016

Disappearance of lawyer Jiang Tianyong


Lawyers for Lawyers has grave concerns about lawyer Jiang Tianyong from China. He disappeared on the evening of 21 November 2016 after visiting the wife of detained human rights lawyer, Xie Yang. Jiang Tianyong is a human rights lawyer who

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29 November 2016

Greece Lawyer subject of harassment

Electra Koutra, human rights lawyer from Greece, has experienced harassment allegedly in connection to her representation of several Syrian refugees aged between 13 to 16 years of age. This was reported by the IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers on their website.

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22 November 2016

L4L and FTW monitor hearings in two trials


On Tuesday 22 November 2016, the criminal trial of  12 lawyers,  almost all of whom are members of the OHD, the Association of Lawyers for Liberty, continued. All these lawyers are accused  of involvement in terrorist activities. Lawyers from Lawyers for

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20 November 2016

Surprising developments in the KCK case


On 14 November 2016, observers from Lawyers for Lawyers, Fair Trial Watch and a representative of 11 regional Dutch Bar Associations again attended a hearing in the KCK case – the case against 46 lawyers who are accused of being

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20 November 2016

Arrest and provisional release of Levent Pişkin


Lawyers for Lawyers is very concerned about the continues harassment of lawyers in Turkey in connection to their legitimate activities as attorneys. Last Monday, police arrested lawyer Levent Pişkin after he allegedly conveyed messages from one of his clients to

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14 November 2016

Harassment of lawyer


Elchin Sadigov, a lawyer from Azerbaijan, was subjected to innuendo and threats. According to Freedom House, this mistreatment was connected to the lawyers’ professional activities. On 3 November 2016, a media outlet posted articles accusing human rights lawyer Elchin Sadigov

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9 November 2016

Concluding observations UN Human Rights Committee


In October 2016, the UN Human Rights Committee reviewed Azerbaijan’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. Last week, the Committee issued the concluding observations of this review. Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the recommendation in which the Committee calls on the Azerbaijani authorities

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30 October 2016

Charges against Sirikan Charoensiri


Lawyers for Lawyers has grave concerns about the prosecution of Thai human rights lawyer Sirikan Charoensiri. The charges against her appear to relate to the circumstances surrounding Ms. Charoensiri’s provision of legal aid to 14 student activists, who were arrested

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27 October 2016

Burundi Four lawyers face disbarment

Lawyers Armel Niyongere, Lambert Nigarura, Dieudonné Bashirahishize and Vital Nshimirimana, are seriously threatened in the exercise of their profession, since the Burundi authorities have requested the disbarment of these lawyers. The four lawyers were involved in drafting a report on

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17 October 2016

Lawyers sentenced to 23 and 21 years in prison


On 6 October 2016, the Dushanbe City Court sentenced lawyers Buzurgmehr Yorov and Nuriddin Makhkamov to 23 and 21 years in prison. The lawyers were sentenced on a number of charges, including “arousing national, racial, local or religious hostility”, extremism, fraud

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6 October 2016

Petition to International Association of Prosecutors

Lawyers for Lawyers, together with a large coalition of organizations, has made an appeal to the International Association of Prosecutors to take the necessary steps to ensure that they comply with the Standards of Professional Responsibility and the Statement of

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