
20 May 2016

Improper interrogation of lawyer

Russian Federation

Lawyer Marina Moshko was reportedly the subject of improper interrogation as a witness. Furthermore, her apartment and office were searched by investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia. This was reported by the International Commission of Jurists on their website.

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11 May 2016

Mahienour el-Massry one year in prison


Lawyers for Lawyers today called on the Egyptian authorities to immediatly drop the charges against lawyer Mahienour el-Massry and to immediatly release her. Ms. El-Massry was detained exactly one year ago today, on 11 May 2015. On 31 May 2015

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11 May 2016

Concerns over intimidation lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) wrote a joint-letter to the Lawyers Council of Thailand (LCT) expressing concern over two cases of intimidation and harassment against human rights lawyers. Lawyers Sirikan

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11 May 2016

Venezuela Harassment of lawyer

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has expressed concerns about the alleged ongoing harassment of Juan Carlos Gutiérrez in Venezuela as he carries out his professional duties as defence lawyer for Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López. On 25

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2 May 2016

Lawyer Zhang Kai released


On 23 March 2016, lawyer Zhang Kai was released by the Chinese authorities after being detained for seven months. The reasons for his sudden release are not known. Zhang Kai, better known as the lawyer of the Chinese churches, disappeared

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1 May 2016

Lawyer Yuri Grabovski killed


On 25 March 2016, police discovered the body of Ukrainian lawyer Yuri Grabovski. The lawyer was reportedly found shot and buried near the Kiev-Odessa main route. Yuri Grabovski had been acting as the defence lawyer in a high profile and

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1 May 2016

Court rules in favour of lawyer


The Appeals Collegium of the Almaty City Court decided on 18 April 2016  that demands from the investigative authorities to a lawyer to testify as a witness in a case in which she represented a client, were contrary to the

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29 April 2016

Call for release of ‘Douma Four’ on birthday of Razan Zaitouneh


To mark the birthday of missing human rights lawyer Razan Zaitouneh, today a large amount of organizations, including Lawyers for Lawyers, called for her immediate release, as well as that of her colleagues Samira Khalil, Nazem Hamadi and Wa’el Hamada.

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28 April 2016

Letter to U.S. President Obama


Lawyers for Lawyers, together with 18 organizations, called on the President of the U.S. to use talks about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement to urge Viet Nam to release political prisoners, repeal laws that criminalize the exercise of internationally protected rights and cease harassment of

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28 April 2016

Sedition investigations against four lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the initiation of sedition investigations against four lawyers of the Malaysian Bar: Karen Cheah, Hector Fernandez, Francis Pereira and Shanmugam Ramasam. On 19 March 2016, a motion was tabled at the Annual General Meeting

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22 April 2016

Lawyers for Lawyers 30 years!

This year, Lawyers for Lawyers celebrates its 30th anniversary. In the past 30 years we have campaigned for countless lawyers, monitored trials, been on fact-finding missions and written many letters. Unfortunately the situation of lawyers has deteriorated in many countries during

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13 April 2016

Lawyer Alldo Fellix Januardy attacked


Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) are concerned about the physical attack on lawyer Alldo Fellix Januardy from Indonesia. Alldo Fellix Januardy was attacked following his effort to negotiate a suspension of the plan to forcefully evict

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