
12 March 2013

Kazakhstan Lawyers disbarred on improper grounds

Several lawyers in Kazakhstan have been disbarred, or are facing disbarment, on improper grounds. Also the case of lawyers Raziya Nurmasheva and Iskander Alimbayev of the Almaty City Lawyers Collegium demonstrates a violation of article 16 of the Basic Principles

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4 March 2013

Iran Lawyers call upon authorities to revoke controversial bill

Thirty five lawyers sent an open letter to the Iranian authorities on 25 February 2013, urging them to stop infringements on the independence of the legal profession. In the letter, the lawyers asked in particular for the revocation of a

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8 February 2013

Vietnam Le Cong Dinh released from prison

On 6 February 2013, prominent human rights lawyer Le Cong Dinh was released from prison after serving more than three years in prison. However, Dinh still is placed under a three years house arrest as part of his sentence. Dinh

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30 January 2013

Turkey Four lawyers sentenced to long prison terms

On 24 January 2013, four Ankara lawyers, Ms Filiz Kalaycı, Mr Hasan Anlar, Mr Halil İbrahim Vargün and Mr Murat Vargün received sentences ranging from  6 years and 3 months to 7 years and 6 months in jail on charges of being a member of

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21 January 2013

Turkey New mass arrests of lawyers

Early in the morning of 18 January 2013, police forces launched raids in seven provinces of Turkey. It is understood that during these raids, at least fifty-five people, including 15 lawyers, have been taken into custody on suspicion of links

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11 January 2013

Syria Mazen Darwish recipient of Prize for Press Freedom 2012

On 19 December Mazen Darwish was announced as one of the recipients of the ‘Reporters without Borders’ 2012 Prize for Press Freedom.  Mazen Darwish is a human rights defender and journalist from Syria. Even though he finished a law degree, he was,

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10 January 2013

Turkey L4L monitors another hearing in ‘Lawyers trial’

On 3 January 2013, the trial against 46 lawyers who are suspected of having ties with the Union of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) continued in Silivri, Turkey. On November 22, 2011, a broad campaign of arrests was launched in 16

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21 December 2012

L4L Update of Basic Principles Database

Over the last weeks, the database on the L4L website that contains documents that make reference to the Basic Principles on the role of Lawyers has been updated. Over fifty recent documents have been added to the Database. The UN

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17 December 2012

L4L Human rights day 2012

On the 10th of December Kennedy Van der Laan organized an event on Human Rights Day 2012, together with the Dutch foundations Lawyers for Lawyers and Judges for Judges. The theme of this day was “the independence of judges, lawyers

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7 December 2012

Iran Nasrin Sotoudeh ends hunger strike

L4L is pleased to announce that we have learned from sources that jailed Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has halted her hunger strike on 4 December 2012. She decided to end the hunger strike that lasted for 49 days

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26 November 2012

Iran Lawyers present petition to Iranian Embassy for Sotoudeh

On Monday 26 November, a group of lawyers on the initiative of Lawyers for Lawyers offered a petition to the Iranian Embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands, in order to draw attention to the deteriorating health situation of Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has been on hunger

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23 November 2012

UAE Human rights lawyer Al-Roken still in prison

On 17 July 2012, Mohamed Al-Roken, a prominent human rights lawyer from the United Arab Emirates, was arrested near his home by security forces. Dr Mohamed Al-Roken provided legal assistance to victims of human rights abuses in the UAE, including

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