
23 September 2015

Lawyers for Lawyers and 3 organisations submit joint UPR report


On 21 September, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and Judges for Judges (J4J), submitted a joint report for the Universal Periodic Review of Swaziland. In the report,

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18 September 2015

Lawyers for Lawyers

Lawyers for Lawyers will be represented at the annual OSCE ODIHR Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, to be held in Warsaw from 21 September to 2 October. Lawyers for Lawyers is involved in the organization of a side event during this year’s

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14 September 2015

UN Side Event

Judges, lawyers, prosecutors and human rights: 30 years of UN action Tuesday 15 September 2015, 1600 – 1800 Room XXII, Palais des Nations, Geneva Followed by a drinks reception hosted by the IBA’s Human Rights Institute in Bar Serpent, Palais des

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20 July 2015

Lawyers for Lawyers

During its 29th session (from 15 June – 3 July 2015) , the Human Rights Council adopted without a vote a resolution on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and assessors, and the independence of lawyers. While recalling

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3 April 2015

Concluding observations UN Human Rights Committee

Russian Federation

On 2 April 2015, the UN Human Rights Committee issued the concluding observations for the review of the Russian Federation’s compliance with it’s international human rights obligations. Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes recommendation 18, in which the Committee calls on the

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19 March 2015

Lawyers bill must be tested against Basic Principles


Lawyers for Lawyers today contributed to the UPR process of Iran, indicating its concerns about the draft law providing rules for lawyers and the bar association. This law would seriously affect lawyers’ independence in Iran. Together with Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, L4L recommended this

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19 March 2015

Government should practice what it preaches


Kazakhstan should speed up the effective implementation of measures to strengthen the role of lawyers, Lawyers for Lawyers said today. Lawyers for Lawyers, also on behalf of The Law Society of England and Wales and Law and Lawyers’ Rights Watch

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16 March 2015

Oral statement to Human Rights Committee

Russian Federation

Today Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement to the Human Rights Committee for the review of the Russian Federation’s compliance with it’s international human rights obligations. Lawyers for Lawyers highlighted the Russian Federation’s failure to protect its lawyers and

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19 January 2015

27 January in Geneva: side-event Persecution of Lawyers and Journalists in Turkey


The Law Society of England and Wales, Lawyers for Lawyers, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Privacy International, Fair Trial Watch and Media Legal Defence Initiative cordially invite you to join the panel discussion on the Persecution of Lawyers and Journalists in Turkey,

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17 October 2014

Lobby in Geneva for UPR Iran and Kazakhstan

On Monday, October 6th, and Wednesday, October 8th, Lawyers for Lawyers attended ’pre-sessions’ organized by the NGO ‘UPR-Info’. During these sessions NGOs have the opportunity to lobby country delegations in Geneva, to take over the recommendations of UPR submissions previously

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27 August 2014

Letter to authorities and petition to WGAD for Le Quoc Quan


2 September is ‘National Day’ in Vietnam. On this day, the Vietnamese president often grants amnesty to prisoners of conscience. In view of this, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with a broad coalition of organizations, sent a letter to the Vietnamese authorities to urge

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1 July 2014

Turkey L4L, LRWC, the Law Society and FTW file joint UPR submission

L4L has together with Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, the Law Society of England and Wales and Fair Trial Watch filed a joint submission for the Universal Periodic Review before the UN Human Rights Council of Turkey, which will take place in January/February 2015. In this

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