
26 May 2017

95th anniversary establishment of first Tajik Bar Association


Today, 26 May 2017, marks the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the first Tajik Bar Association. Tajikistan’s human rights record continues to deteriorate amid an ongoing crackdown on freedom of expression and political opposition. Lawyers for Lawyers has grave

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17 May 2017

L4L Award On the shortlist: Iyad Alami

Next Friday, 19 May, the presentation of the Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2017 will take place after the seminar ‘The Voice of Rights, about lawyers and freedom of expression’. Next to the presentation of the Award to Thai lawyer Sirikan

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15 May 2017

Threats against Robert Sann Aung


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the threats and harassment of lawyer Robert Sann Aung from Myanmar. The threats started after the killing of lawyer U Ko Ni at 29 January 2017. We have reason to believe that the threats

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21 April 2017

Petition update WGAD on Nguyen Van Dai


Together with Media Legal Defence Initiative, PEN International, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada and Viet Tan, L4L filed a petition with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) in November 2016, urging it to intervene in the case of lawyer Nguyen Van Dai. In April, observations to the government’s reply were submitted

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11 April 2017

Court rejects appeal of lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov


At the beginning of March 2017, Tajikistan’s Court of Appeal rejected Buzurgmehr Yorov’s appeal and upheld the previous court verdict of a 23 year prison term. The hearing was closed to the public and EU representatives were not permitted to

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10 April 2017

Administrative charges against lawyers


On 17 March 2017 the district court of Gomel in Belarus found human rights lawyers Leonid Sudalenko and Anatoly Poplavnyi guilty of non-compliance with the legal requirements on the organisation and conducting of mass events. This was reported by Frontline

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6 April 2017

Save the Date! 19 May: L4L-Award seminar

L4L invites you to “The Voice of Rights” About lawyers and Freedom of Expression Seminar + Presentation of the L4L-Award 2017 Introduction: Phon van den Biesen President Lawyers for Lawyers Special guests: Mark Stephens (United Kingdom) Electra Koutra (Greece) Jorge

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25 March 2017

Joint statement with call to ensure right to a fair trial


In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with other organizations, called on the Chinese authorities to ensure the right of a fair trial in the forthcoming trials of the cases of the ‘709-crackdown’. In July 2015, an unprecedented and

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24 March 2017

Sentencing of lawyer Oleg Volchek


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the sentencing of lawyer Oleg Volchek. We shared our concerns in a letter to the authorities of Belarus. Oleg Volchek is a prominent human rights lawyer and director of the non-governmental organisation Pravovaya Pomoshch Naseleniyu (Legal Aid

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16 March 2017

L4L and FTW observe hearing in KCK-trial in Istanbul


On March 9, 2017 there was another hearing in Istanbul  in the long-running case against 46 lawyers  accused of being involved in terrorism. The trial started in November 2011. All the lawyers on trial were at some point involved in

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15 March 2017

13 years since disappearance of lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit


Thirteen years after Thai human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaijipit went missing, there is still no prospect of justice. Somchai disappeared on 12 March 2004, one day after he had publicly accused the police of torturing his clients, who were in

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10 March 2017

Harassment of lawyer Salah Dabouz


Lawyer Salah Dabouz has, for the past few months, faced ongoing harassment. The harassment is a result of his involvement as lead lawyer in the legal defense of human rights defender Kamal Eddin Fekhar and his colleagues. This was reported

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