
5 October 2016

Joint statement for release of Khalil Ma’touq


On 4 October 2016, 31 organizations, including Lawyers for Lawyers, called for the immediate release of Human Rights Lawyer Khalil Ma’touq and his assistant, Mohamed Thatha. The two men disappeared four years ago, on 2 October 2012. Ma’touq, director of the Syrian

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30 September 2016

UPR report


On 21 September, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review of Indonesia. In the report, Lawyers for Lawyers highlighted that the Indonesian authorities do not always uphold the necessary guarantees for the proper functioning of the legal profession in

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28 September 2016

Concerns about arrest lawyer Jamshed Yorov


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the arrest and detention of lawyer Jamshed Yorov. We have reason to belief that his arrest is connected to his legitimate activities as attorney, and shared our concerns in a letter to the Tajik

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20 September 2016

What a weekend!

On 17 and 18 September, the Mr. Rally and the Dam tot Damloop took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Both were fundraising events for Lawyers for Lawyers. We want to thank all the participants and the organization of the Mr.

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19 September 2016

Joint open letter to President Sisi


This August, lawyers Mahienour el-Massry and Malek Adly were both released. Mahienour had served her 15 months prison sentence; Malek was released pending further investigation in the case against him. However, both of them are facing (additional) charges and/or criminal

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8 September 2016

Good news: Ramazan Demir and Ayse Acinikli released


Ramazan Demir and Ayşe Acinikli were released on 7 September 2016, after five months in pre trial detention on suspicion of terrorist activities. Ramazan Demir previously defended both journalists and lawyers who were prosecuted by the Turkish government in mass

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6 September 2016

Increase of threats against lawyers


On 2 October 2016, Colombians narrowly rejected the landmark peace deal between the Colombian government and the FARC. During the conclusion of the agreement, Wout Albers and Marit Balkema joined the ‘Caravana Internacional de Juristas’, a mission of lawyers, prosecutors

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31 August 2016

Malek Adly released


On 28 August 2016, Egyptian human rights lawyer Malek Adly was released from prison pending further investigations in his case. This was after a Prosecution appeal was dismissed the day before, upholding a Court order of 25 August to release

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23 August 2016

Lawyers killed in Quetta suicide attack


On 8 Augustus 2016, a suicide bomber attacked a hospital in Quetta, Pakistan, killing dozens of people. Among the victims were many lawyers, who had gathered to mourn the loss of their colleague, the former president of the Balochistan Bar

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23 August 2016

Mahienour el-Massry released


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the release of human rights lawyer Mahienour El-Massry of last Saturday 13 August, after she had served her 15-months prison sentence. On 31 May 2015 the Court of Appeal confirmed the conviction of Ms. El-Massry for,

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11 August 2016

Human rights lawyer Wang Yu released on bail


How much bail was paid is unknown, but Wang Yu had a high price to pay. Prior to this unexpected release, a videotaped confession of Wang Yu was circulated on Chinese state media. In this interview, Wang Yu praised the

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3 August 2016

Sedition charges against lawyer Surendran


Lawyers for Lawyers has called on the Attorney General of Malaysia to drop the sedition charges against lawyer N. Surendran. In August 2014, two separate sedition charges were brought against mr. Surendran. We understand that both charges were connected to

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