
27 July 2016

Turkey detains lawyers after failed coup


Since the attempted coup in Turkey on 15 July 2016, more than 60.000 people have been fired or suspended from their jobs, many of whom were also arrested. Among them are 2.745 judges. Now, lawyers are also targeted. Prominent human

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24 July 2016

Open letter about detention lawyers


The 9th of July 2016 marks one year since the unprecedented and seemingly well-coordinated detention campaign of a large number of human rights lawyers and defenders in China. In an open letter to President Xi Jinping, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with a

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24 July 2016

Charges against Arão Bula Tempo dropped


On 11 July 2016, the Provincial Court of Cabinda dropped the charges against lawyer Arão Bula Tempo due to a lack of evidence. L4L welcomes this decision. On 14 March 2015, Arão Bula Tempo was arrested in connection to his

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6 July 2016

Killing of lawyer Willie Kimani


Lawyers for Lawyers was shocked to learn about the killing of human rights lawyer Willie Kimani. On 30 June 2016, the body of Willie Kimani was found along with that of his client and a taxi driver. The three had

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29 June 2016

New case against lawyers: Ramazan Demir and Ayse Acinikli kept in jail


On Wednesday 22 June 2016 the criminal trial against twelve lawyers and a group of members of TUHAD-FED, an aid organization that serves as an intermediary between prisoners, relatives and lawyers, started in Istanbul. They had been arrested on March

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22 June 2016

Lawyers for Lawyers and FTW monitor trial against lawyers


On Wednesday, 22 June the criminal trial of lawyers Ramazan Demir and Ayşe Acinikli will begin in Istanbul. They have already spent two months in detention on suspicion of terrorist activities. Demir previously defended both journalists and lawyers who were

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15 June 2016

Criminal investigation against lawyer who drafted anti-torture bill


In a letter of 9 June 2016, Lawyers for Lawyers calls upon the Egyptian authorities to immediately end criminal investigations and drop all charges against lawyer Negad El-Borai. Lawyers for Lawyers has reason to believe that the charges relate to his legitimate

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11 June 2016

Possible disbarment of lawyers

Russian Federation

On 27 May 2016, a Supreme Court judge in the Chechen Republic issued a special ruling which may lead to the disbarment of human rights lawyers Marina Dubrovina and Dokka Itslaev. The lawyers were accused of committing actions that “challenge

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6 June 2016

Somaliland Good news: decision that revoked license Guleid Ahmed Jama annulled

On 11 June 2016, the Chief Justice of Somaliland issued a decree annulling the previous ministerial decision that revoked Guleid Ahmed Jama’s license to practice law. The ruling of the Chief Justice stated that the minister had no power to terminate

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3 June 2016

Attack on lawyer Asrul Azis Sigalingging


Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) are concerned about the physical attack on lawyer Asrul Azis Sigalingging. When Mr. Siagalingging tried to provide legal assistance to an arrested student, he was attacked by Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja

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27 May 2016

Unlawful detention of lawyer Malek Adly


Lawyers for Lawyers expresses its deep concern over the recent violence, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and unfair trials targeting civil society in Egypt, including Egyptian human rights lawyers. These government actions seem to have been triggered by the protest of 25

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21 May 2016

Disbarment proceedings against lawyer


Lawyer Muzaffar Bakhishov is facing disbarment in connection to critical statements he made about the functioning of the Azeri judiciary. This was reported by the International Commission of Jurists on their website. According to the information received, the proceedings against

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