
11 March 2016

Mohammad Seifzadeh released


After nearly five years in prison, human rights lawyer Mohammad Seifzadeh was finally released on March 10, 2016. His release comes as a result of the implementation of the provisions of the amended Islamic Penal Code of 2013, under which prisoners tried on various

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9 March 2016

Lawyers Connect2Protect visit the Netherlands

Democratic Republic of Congo

From 7 -12, March 2016, Justice and Peace, Lawyers for Lawyers and People with a Mission had organized a special edition of the ‘The Hague Training Course” (THTC) for more than twenty human rights defenders and lawyers from the Democratic Republic

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27 February 2016

Lawyer Jean Kisumbule Muteba shot dead

Democratic Republic of Congo

Lawyers for Lawyers is shocked by the death of lawyer Jean Kisumbule Muteba. On Saturday 20 February, Jean Kisumbule Muteba was shot outside his home in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Maitre Kisumbule Muteba was registered at the Bar Association of Kinshasa

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19 February 2016

Prominent lawyer Khotso Nthontho arrested


Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) are concerned about the arrest of lawyer Khotso Nthontho and the ongoing threats against lawyers in Lesotho. Particularly the lawyers representing 23 soldiers accused of plotting a mutiny seem to be

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10 February 2016

Trial against Intigam Aliyev


On 26 January 2016, Intigam Aliyev’s case was heard before the Supreme Court in Baku. Aliyev could not attend his appeal hearing due to health problems, but his lawyer, Javad Javadov, attended the hearing and requested his client’s acquittal. The

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8 February 2016

Criminal proceedings against Sirikan Charoensiri


Lawyers for Lawyers today called on the Thai authorities to immediately drop criminal proceedings against human rights lawyer Sirikan Charoensiri. On 2 February 2016, Sirikan Charoensiri received two summons to appear at the Chanasongkram Police Station on 9 February 2016

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8 February 2016

Lawyers continue to face improper interference


Lawyers in China continue to face improper interference in their professional work and serious violations of their rights. In January 2016, criminal prosecutions have been initiated against at least seven lawyers. All lawyers were arrested in July 2015 and have

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5 February 2016

Arão Bula Tempo officially charged with ‘rebellion’


On 3 February 2016, Lawyers for Lawyers sent letters to the authorities of Angola to raise concerns about the official charging of human rights lawyer Arão Bula Tempo. Arão Bula Tempo is a human rights lawyer and President of the

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4 February 2016

Court extends detention lawyer


In January 2016, a court in Dushanbe has ruled to extend the detention of lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov by two months. The extension was allegedly necessary to allow for further investigation into his case. Buzurgmehr Yorov was arrested and detained on

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4 February 2016

Lawyers for Lawyers speaks to lawyer Syahredzan Johan


On 2 February 2016, Lawyers for Lawyers spoke to Malaysian human rights lawyer Syahredzan Johan about the situation of lawyers in Malaysia. Syahredzan visited the Netherlands as part of the “Dutch Visitors Programme” that is organized six times a year

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8 January 2016

Day of the Endangered Lawyer


Friday 22 January 2014 is the “Day of the endangered lawyer”. This year, the annual events focus on lawyers in Honduras who risk their life to guarantee fundamental human rights and freedoms. We cordially invite you to participate in these events in

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22 December 2015

Pu Zhiqiang given three-year suspended sentence


On 22 December 2015, lawyer Pu Zhiqiang has been given a suspended three-year prison sentence. He had been found guilty of “picking quarrels” and “inciting ethnic hatred” after a series of social media posts, and stood trial in Beijing last

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