
3 March 2015

Joint statement for ‘UAE 94’ prisoners

United Arab Emirates

On the second anniversary of the start of the mass “UAE 94” trial that imprisoned dozens of government critics and reform activists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a coalition of 13 organizations, including Lawyers for Lawyers, calls on the

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21 February 2015

Trial against Intigam Aliyev


On 17 February 2015, another hearing in the case of the human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev took place at the Court of Grave Crimes in Baku, Azerbaijan. This time, Aliyev was not forced to stay in a cage in the

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18 February 2015

Lawyers sentenced in ‘Raml Police Station’ case


On 9 February 2015, El Raml Misdemeanour Court in Alexandria sentenced 10 human rights activists and lawyers including Mahienour El-Massry, Youssef Shabaan, Loay El Kahwagy to two years’ imprisonment. The sentence could be suspended upon payment of a 5,000 Egyptian Pounds fine

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16 February 2015

Mazen Darwish 3 years in jail


The Syrian government should immediately free the prominent Syrian human rights defender Mazen Darwish and his colleagues Hani Al-Zitani and Hussein Gharir, 71 human rights organizations, including Lawyers for Lawyers said today, on the third anniversary of their arrest. The three

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16 February 2015

Detained Wang Yonghang’s birthday, in very bad health


Tuesday 17 February is lawyer Wang Yonghang’s 42nd birthday. Unfortunately there is little reason for joy. It will be his sixth birthday in a row in detention. Since July 2009 he is serving a seven-year prison sentence because of his

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6 February 2015

Souad al-Shammari released!

Saudi Arabia

Lawyer Souad al-Shammari was released on 29 January after three months of detention without charge. The conditions of her release and current legal status are unclear. A royal pardon had been issued that day by the new King, Salman bin

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6 February 2015

Judicial harassment of lawyer Azza Soliman


On 24 January 2015, human rights lawyer Azza Soliman was informed that she is being investigated on charges of violating the ‘protest law’. On that day Soliman voluntarily went to the Public Prosecution’s office to give her testimony regarding the

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6 February 2015

Physical attack against lawyer in Dagestan

Russian Federation

On 4 February 2015, a group of unidentified men attacked defence lawyer Murad Magomedov in Dagestan, causing multiple injuries. The attack took place in broad daylight during a break in a Supreme Court hearing in which Magomedov was defending his client,

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4 February 2015

Tajikistan Sentencing of lawyer Sukhrat Qudratov


Lawyers for Lawyers and the Law Society of England and Wales were concerned to learn the sentencing of Sukhrat Qudratov, a prominent defence lawyer in Tajikistan who had represented the former Minister of Industry, Zaid Saidov. On January 13, 2015, a court

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2 February 2015

Trial against Intigam Aliyev


On 23 January 2015, Intigam Aliyev’s lawyer requested in a preparatory meeting before the Criminal Court in Baku to terminate the criminal proceedings against his client. The Court rejected this request and all other applications of the defense. The case

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30 January 2015

Bar rejects request to withdraw license lawyer


On 21 January, the Phu Yen Bar Association sent a communication to the police, prosecutors and court of Tuy Hoa city, in which they appeal to the said authorities against their request to withdraw Vo An Don’s license to practice

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30 January 2015

Authorities should allow Masoud Shafii to travel and do his work


The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) asked attention for the situation of Iranian lawyer Masoud Shafii in a letter to the Iranian authorities on 15 January. This lawyer represented three American hikers who were detained in

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