
12 November 2014

Preliminary report on findings Caravana 2014


A short preliminary report on the first findings of the Caravana Internacional de Juristas (Caravana) mission was published in October 2014. During the Caravana 2014 mission, which took place from 23-30 August, a group consisting of 70 lawyers and judges visited Colombia to

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7 November 2014

Souad Al-Shammary arrested, 3 others sentenced

Saudi Arabia

Lawyers for Lawyers has sent a letter to the Saudi Arabic authorities to express its concern about the recent developments in this country. On October 28 the first female lawyer of Saudi Arabia, Souad Al-Shammary, was arrested for tweets she

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7 November 2014

Court extends pre-trial detention Intigam Aliyev


On 24 October 2014, the Nasimi District Court in Baku uled to extend the pre-trial detention of Intigam Aliyev until 8 February 2015. At the hearing it became clear that Aliyev is in poor health conditions. A petition from Itigam Aliev’s

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3 November 2014

Court: Interrogation of lawyer illegal

Russian Federation

Russian Lawyer who refused to testify against his client vindicated by the Court   Lawyer Yegor Mylnikov has been forced to stop the defence of his client in a criminal case twice. In both cases, he had to defend himself in

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24 October 2014

Upcoming hearing in case of Maseko and Makhubu


On November 3, 2014 a hearing in the case of Thulani Maseko and Bheki Makhubu is scheduled at the Supreme Court of Swaziland, in which the charges against them could be dropped. On 17 July lawyer Maseko and journalist Makhubu, were convicted of

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22 October 2014

Nasrin Sotoudeh’s law license suspended, sit-in to protest


On 18 October 2014, a disciplinary investigation panel of Tehran’s Bar Association communicated a ruling to Ms. Sotoudeh that her law license is to be suspended for three years based on a complaint filed by the Islamic Revolution Court’s Prosecution Office.  In August 2014, a

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22 October 2014

Draft bill on attorneyship threatens independence legal profession


The Iranian judiciary has drafted a legislative proposal on attorneyship in 2012 which introduces state supervision of lawyers. The draft proposal has been met with serious concern from Iranian lawyers and international organizations in recent years, including from the International

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17 October 2014

Martin Ennals Award for human rights lawyer


On 7 October 2014, the Martin Ennals Jury presented Alejandra Ancheita with the 2014 Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders (MEA). Alejandra Ancheita is a Mexican lawyer and activist who leads the fight for the rights of the migrants,

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17 October 2014

2000 lawyers called for repeal of the ‘sedition Act’


The Malaysian Bar Council on 16 October organized the ‘Walk for Peace and Freedom’ as a 1.3 kilometer march in protest against the recent string of arrests, charges, investigations and prosecutions under the archaic 1948 Sedition Act. The Sedition Act

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2 October 2014

Joint statement for release of Khalil Ma’touq


The Syrian government should immediately and unconditionally free the prominent human rights lawyer Khalil Ma’touq and his colleague Mohamed Zaza, 26 organizations, including L4L, said on 2 October 2014, on the second anniversary of their enforced disappearance. Ma’touq, director of

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30 September 2014

Letter on draft lawyers bill


On 23 September, Lawyers for Lawyers sent a letter to the Indonesian authorities to express its concern about the Bill on Attorneys that is currently deliberated by the People’s Representative Council. Although the proposed bill contains several provisions that should further

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29 September 2014

ISIS executes human rights lawyer


Lawyers for Lawyers was informed about the execution of a human rights lawyer from Iraq. On 22 September 2014, human rights lawyer Samira Saleh al-Naimi was publicly executed in Al Mosul city by the Islamic State’s (ISIS) militia. Reportedly she

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