
15 February 2014

Syria Lawyer victim of enforced disappearance

On 31 January 2014, lawyer Roshdy El Sheikh Rasheed was taken from his home to an unknown location by plain-clothes individuals. Because his home is in Tadmor, which is under control of government forces, it is considered very likely that state

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14 February 2014

Vietnam Le Quoc Quan on hungerstrike

Jailed Vietnamese blogger and human rights lawyer Le Quoc Quan has launched a hunger strike to protest the refusal by prison authorities to provide him access to legal counsel, access to legal and religious books, and access to a priest,

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31 January 2014

Kazakhstan Disbarment of lawyers for ‘violating professional ethics’

  Two lawyers from Kazakhstan were disbarred for simply doing their job.The lawfulness of one disbarment will now be reviewed by the Supreme Court. What happened?Lawyers Lyubov Agushevich and Polina Zhukova represented a defendant in criminal proceedings. During his trial,

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29 January 2014

China Xu Zhiyong sentenced to 4 years in prison

Xu Zhiyong, a forty-year-old human rights lawyer, was convicted to a four-year prison sentence by a Beijing court on 27 January on charges of ‘gathering crowds to disrupt public order’. At his trial, Xu’s lawyer was not allowed to call witnesses

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20 January 2014

Iran Nasrin Sotoudeh expresses gratitude in video message

The video message that you find below was recently received from Nasrin Sotoudeh, after she was unexpectedly released early from prison in September 2013. Since 2009 L4L has campaigned for Nasrin Sotoudeh; this was after she received a travel ban for the first time. During her (unfair)

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17 January 2014

Colombia Day of the endangered lawyer

  24 January 2014 is the “Day of the Endangered Lawyer”. This year, the annual event focuses on lawyers in Colombia who receive death threats or have even been murdered because they defend the rights of the poorest, and who work on cases of human

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15 January 2014

Cuba Human rights lawyer attacked

On 9 January 2014, human rights lawyer Juan Carlos González Leiva, his wife and seven other individuals were attacked by by members of the National Revolutionary Police. Leiva is a human rights lawyer and member of the Consejo de Relatores

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11 January 2014

Turkey Lawyer already 4 years in pre-trial detention

  Muharrem Erbey, a Turkish lawyer, is one of the 152 prominent members of political and civil society organisations that stand trial together, in one single trial in Turkey. Since 24 December 2009, when he was arrested in the early morning

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6 January 2014

Turkey L4L observes trial of Ümit Kocasakal, President of the Istanbul Bar Association

  Lawyers for Lawyers has organised a trial observation and asked former President of the Amsterdam Bar Association, Hans van Veggel, to join the observation on behalf of concerned Dutch Bar Presidents.  On 7 January 2013 Ümit Kocasakal, the President

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11 December 2013

Syria Human rights lawyer Razan Zeitouneh abducted

On 9 December 2013, human rights lawyer Razan Zeitouneh, her husband, Wa’el Hamada, and two colleagues, Nazem Hamadi and Samira Khalil, were abducted by unknown individuals.  Razan Zeitouneh recorded this message and sent it to FIDH on 4 December 2013.

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4 December 2013

Vietnam UN Rights Tribunal calls for release of Vietnamese lawyer

PRESS RELEASE The detention of Vietnamese blogger, lawyer and human rights activist Le Quoc Quan has been condemned by a United Nations human rights tribunal as violating his right to freedom of expression and his right to a fair trial.

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29 November 2013

Zimbabwe Beatrice Mtetwa aquitted

On 26 November 2013, human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa was acquitted of the charge of “obstructing justice”. Zimbabwean police arrested Mtetwa, on Sunday 17 March 2013. She was arrested while attempting to provide legal assistance to Thabani Mpofu, Director of Research and

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