
12 februari 2024

International Fair Trial Day 2023 and call for nominations for the Ebru Timtik Award

The right to a fair trial has long been recognised by the international community as a fundamental human right. Without a fair trial, every individual risks becoming the victim of a miscarriage of justice, either as an innocent suspect wrongly

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7 februari 2024

Report on Belarus: The Crisis of the Legal Profession Continued Repressions 2022 – 2023


In cooperation with the American Bar Association (ABA) and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights, Right to Defense, and Lawyers for Lawyers have prepared this report to summarize the ongoing worrying

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31 januari 2024

Lawyers for Lawyers’ Letter Supporting Arnon Nampa’s Defense and Bail Application to the Criminal Court


Lawyers for Lawyers has recently sent a letter to the Thai Criminal Court in support of the defense and bail application of Arnon Nampa, a renowned Thai human rights lawyer. The letter outlines the deep concerns regarding Nampa’s conviction, highlighting

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25 januari 2024

Tunisia – Release “Lawyers Under the Watch”


OMCT Joint Paper Addressing the Increasing Number of Prosecutions Against Lawyers in Tunisia Lawyers for Lawyers is pleased to announce the publication of a joint paper titled “Lawyers Under the Watch,” a comprehensive examination of the growing challenges legal professionals

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25 januari 2024

‘What happened in Poland could happen anywhere’ – Interview with Mikolaj Pietrzak


After eight years of populism in Poland, Warsaw dean Mikolaj Pietrzak takes stock. What can be learned from Poland’s past? How do you quickly and thoroughly restore the rule of law without violating it yourself? By Trudeke Sillevis Smitt ‘The

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24 januari 2024

Golaleh Vatandoust, Iranian Lawyer, Sentenced to 6 Years, 7 Months & 20 Days of Prison


Golaleh Vatandoust, Iranian Lawyer, Sentenced to 6 Years, 7 Months & 20 Days of Prison On January 16, 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers received information from a trusted source that the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced Ms.

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24 januari 2024

Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2024 – Iran


On 24 January 2024, the fourteenth edition of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer will take place. This year’s edition focuses on the extremely difficult situation of lawyers in Iran. Lawyers for Lawyers is co-organizing multiple events in the context

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24 januari 2024

Lawyers for Lawyers Joins #JusticeForThulani Campaign


One year after the assassination of the prominent human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, demands for justice remain unanswered. Lawyers for Lawyers commemorates human rights lawyers Thulani Maseko one year after he was assassinated in his home on January 21, 2023.

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18 januari 2024

Joint Statement on the continued harassment of Russian lawyer Aleksey Ladin

Russian Federation

Lawyers for Lawyers, the International Observatory for Lawyers, The Law Society of England and Wales, the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & Human Rights, the Union of International Lawyers’ Institute for The Rule of Law, the International Bar Association’s

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16 januari 2024

Report Launch: ‘Defending the defence: Strengthening the Protection of Lawyers to Preserve Freedoms in Tunisia’


Avocats sans Frontières (ASF) Launches its Report on Tunisia: ‘Defending the Defence: Strengthening the Protection of Lawyers to Preserve Freedoms in Tunisia’ Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the situation of lawyers in Tunisia. Since the coup – that took

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11 januari 2024

Upcoming Hearing for Human Rights Lawyer Claudia González Orellana on January 15, 2024


Claudia González Orellana, human rights lawyer from Guatemala and recipient of the Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2023, faces a pivotal hearing on January 15, 2024. Ms. González was detained on August 28, 2023, due to her work as a former

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30 december 2023

Tortured and unlawfully imprisoned: Lawyers for Lawyers demands justice for Maksim Znak


Lawyers for Lawyers joins the campaign to demand an end to the torture of Maksim Znak, a Belarusian lawyer who was arbitrarily detained in 2020. He was ultimately sentenced to 10 years in prison for carrying out his professional activities

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