About us

Onze visie: Iedere advocaat moet haar of zijn beroep vrij en onafhankelijk kunnen uitoefenen. Om mensen de juridische bijstand te geven waar ze recht op hebben. Om de rechtstaat te handhaven. En om mensenrechten te beschermen.

Wij zetten ons in voor een vrije en onafhankelijke advocatuur. Waar dan ook ter wereld. We verbinden advocaten in Nederland met vakgenoten die bedreigd of vervolgd worden vanwege hun werk. Waar de rechten en vrijheid van advocaten onder druk staan, komen wij in actie. Onafhankelijk: door advocaten voor advocaten.

Een vrije en onafhankelijke advocatuur is vastgelegd in de UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers. De naleving van deze internationale afspraken is helaas lang niet altijd vanzelfsprekend. De Basic Principles zijn voor Lawyers for Lawyers het fundament van een werkende rechtsstaat. Ze zijn dan ook de leidraad in alles wat wij doen.

Met de inzet van advocaten in Nederland, steunen wij vakgenoten die bedreigd of vervolgd worden vanwege hun werk. Waar ook ter wereld. We werken met drie pijlers. Drie programma’s waarin Nederlandse advocaten met hun tijd, kennis en aandacht bijdragen aan een vrije en onafhankelijke advocatuur: Defend, Empower & Influence.



Latest news

2 juli 2024

Attack and robbery of Ugandan environmental and human rights lawyer Kato Tumusiime


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) expresses concerns about the attack on Ugandan environmental and human rights lawyer Kato Tumusiime which occurred on April 17th 2024, and its implications for environmental lawyers’ ability to carry out their work free from unjust intervention. 

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26 juni 2024

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: public letter to the Belarusian authorities on the continued incommunicado detention of Maksim Znak


On 26 June, the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Lawyers for Lawyers expresses concern over the continued incommunicado detention of lawyer Maksim Znak. According to information received, Mr Znak has now been refused access to his family

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25 juni 2024

UN side event: The role of judges, prosecutors and lawyers in safeguarding democracies

Side-event at the UN 56th Session of the Human Rights Council, The role of judges, prosecutors and lawyers in safeguarding democracies 25 June 2023 14:00 – 15:00 CEST This side-event (click here for flyer) will address the rise of an

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24 juni 2024

Joint letter to Special Rapporteurs on Ugandan Legal Independence


L4L and IBAHRI have written a joint letter to multiple UN Special Rapporteurs and ACHPR Special Rapporteurs (African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights) to express concern regarding the Ugandan legal independence and to request an urgent appeal to the

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24 juni 2024

Kyrgyz Republic: lawyers Erkin Sadanbekov and Kantemir Turdaliev harassed


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned over recent reports that two lawyers and their families suffered arbitrary harassment by Kyrgyz security forces. On different occasions, Erkin Sadanbekov and Kantemir Turdaliev were forcibly taken to court while on sick leave. These unlawful

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20 juni 2024

Lawyers for Lawyers contribution to the EESC report on the rule of law in the Netherlands.

the Netherlands

On 7 and 8 February 2024, six members of the European Economic and Social Council (EESC) visited the Netherlands under the auspices of the Ad hoc group on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law (FRRL). The delegation met with

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19 juni 2024

Impunity prevails in the case of the killing of lawyer Tahir Elçi: Diyarbakir High Criminal Court acquits defendants


Diyarbakır, Turkey – On 12 June 2024, the Diyarbakır 10th High Cirminal Court acquitted the three defendants of all charges in the case of the unlawful killing of lawyer and former president of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, Tahir Elçi. This

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18 juni 2024

Submission to the Committee against Torture’s review of Turkey at its 80th Session, 8-16 July 2024


Lawyers for Lawyers, The Law Society of England and Wales, The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and The Human Rights Implementation Centre (HRIC) submitted written information to the Committee against Torture for its consideration of the fifth periodic

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