
3 June 2012


On 31 May 2012 the IBA Bar Leaders Conference was held in The Hague. The conference paid attention to ensuring the independence of bar associations, in the Netherlands as well as other countries. L4L chairman Phon van der Biesen talked

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20 May 2012

Honduras Acquittal in murder case Dionisio Díaz García

Lawyer Dionisio Díaz García (1962-2006) has always fought diligently for human rights and the rights of employees, until he was killed on 4 December 2006. L4L reported in 2009 that the suspects were convicted to a 21-year prison sentence. However,

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19 May 2012

China Chen Guangcheng arrives in New York

On 19 May 2012, Chen Guangcheng arrived in the United States, together with his wife and two children. On arrival at the New York University, where he will study law, he said he will continue to work to promote justice

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11 May 2012

China L4L and Amnesty send letter to Minister for Guangcheng

On 7 May 2012, Lawyers for Lawyers and Amnesty International sent a letter to Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Rosenthal, in which they ask attention for the situation of Chen Guangcheng. The organisations are concerned about the value of the

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7 May 2012

Iran Jail sentence Ali Dadkhah upheld in appeal

On April 28 2012, Mr. Mohammad Ali Dadkhah was found guilty also in appeal on charges of “actions and propaganda against the Islamic regime”, in retaliation for his human rights activities. On 4 July 2011, he was given a nine-year prison

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24 April 2012

Iran Nasrin Sotoudeh nominated for Martin Ennals Award

On 24 April 2012, newly-appointed Chair of the Martin Ennals Foundation, Micheline Calmy-Rey, announced the three nominees for the Martin Ennals Award 2012, the main award of the international human rights movement. Nasrin Sotoudeh, an Iranian human rights lawyer, is

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23 April 2012

Mexico Letter L4L to Mexican authorities regarding the Bill to protect human rights defenders

On 19 April 2012 L4L sent a letter to various Members of Parliament of the Mexican Government and the secretariat of the Mexican authorities. In this letter L4L applauded the bill to establish a mechanism to better protect human rights

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22 April 2012

Belarus Dissappointing response on letter writing campaign

L4L received a dissappointing response of the Permanent Mission on Belarus to the United Nations. This was sent in response to a letter writing campaign for Aleh Volchek that was sent in February 2012. As seen on the picture, the

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23 March 2012

Colombia Bounty on head of José Humberto Torres

On 12 March 2012, it was announced that a life threatening situation exists for José Humberto Torres, lawyer and human rights defender in Colombia. Through various sources it has become known that different (paramilitary) groups, have gathered a sum amounting

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12 March 2012

Thailand Joint letter to Thai authorities

Today it is exactly 8 years ago that Somchai Neelapaijit disappeared. Neelapaijit defended suspects of terrorism in the turbulent south of Thailand. He disappeared on 12 March 2004, shortly after having publicly for accusing the police of torturing his clients

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22 February 2012

L4L Run in benefit of L4L!

The SDU is organizing a run in benefit of Lawyers for Lawyers on Sunday 13 may 2012. L4L welcomes this initiative, and would like to call up everybody that is able to run to sign up. Adrie van de Streek

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13 February 2012

China Cheng Guangcheng still under house arrest

Chen Guangcheng is a blind self-made lawyer and a human rights activist. In 2005  he helped villagers to start legal proceedings against the local authorities of Linyi City who, as part of the one-child policy, had forced thousands of women

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