Intervention letters – defending lawyers and human rights. Chang Weiping & Ding Jiaxi
3 februari 2023

Intervention letters – defending lawyers and human rights. Chang Weiping & Ding Jiaxi


Together with the Law Society of England and Wales, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, we have written intervention letters in which we express our concerns about the arrest, detention, prosecution and torture of  lawyers Ding Jiaxi and lawyer Chang Weiping.

Prior to the arrest and detention of Chang Weiping, he represented clients, including those facing discrimination due to their gender or sexual orientation.

In the letter the undersigned organisations urge the relevant authorities in China to:

-Drop all charges against Chang Weiping and immediately and unconditionally release him;
-Ensure that, pending such release, Chang Weiping’s conditions of detention are in line with international human rights standards;
-Investigate without undue delay, thoroughly and independently the allegations of torture and ill-treatment to which Chang Weiping was subjected in detention and bring the perpetrators to justice in proceedings that respect international fair trial guarantees; and
-Ensure that all lawyers in China can practice their profession without undue interference in compliance with international standards on the independence of the legal profession.

Read full letter here.

Ding Jiaxi is a lawyer and human rights defender campaigning for greater governmental transparency, rule of law and the rights of migrant workers in China.

In the letter we urge the relevant authorities in China to:

-Drop all charges against Ding Jiaxi and immediately and unconditionally release him;
-Ensure that, pending such release, Ding Jiaxi’s conditions of detention are in line with international human rights standards;
-Investigate without undue delay, thoroughly and independently the allegations of torture and ill-treatment to which Ding Jiaxi was subjected in detention and bring the perpetrators to justice in proceedings that respect international fair trial guarantees; and
-Ensure that all lawyers in China can practice their profession without undue interference in compliance with international standards on the independence of the legal profession.

Read full letter here.

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