
26 mei 2023

Lawyers’ Day in Tajikistan


Today is “Lawyers’ Day” in Tajikistan, when lawyers celebrate the establishment of the first Bar Association.The situation of lawyers in Tajikistan remains concerning and, on what should be a day of celebration, Lawyers for Lawyers would like to pay attention

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26 mei 2023

Statement on the conviction of Human Rights Lawyer Mikhail Benyash

Russian Federation

Mikhail Benyash is a human rights and defence lawyer working in the Krasnodar region in Russia. Mikhail has advised protesters for over a decade and most recently he represented anti-war protesters and soldiers who do not want to fight in

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25 mei 2023

Concerns over detention of lawyers, journalists, politicians, and artists in Turkey


It has been exactly one month since the Turkish police carried out raids across 21 provinces in the country, resulting in the detention of numerous lawyers, journalists, politicians, and artists. Lawyers for Lawyers continues to be concerned over this matter.

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23 mei 2023

Roeien tegen de stroom in

the Netherlands

The Netherlands score high on the Rule of Law Index, but here, too, lawyers face threats and intimidation. Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) pointed out the deterioration in the Netherlands in a UPR report last year. For L4L, journalist Jochem Meijer

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22 mei 2023

Statement on the situation of the Belarusian Human Rights Lawyers Alexander Danilevich, Vitaly Braginets en Anastasia Lazarenko


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) continues to be deeply concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus. Since the 2020 elections, Belarusian lawyers have been persecuted by various means such as disbarment, detention, and prosecution simply for performing their professional

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15 mei 2023

Jaarverslag Lawyers for Lawyers 2022

In 2022 voerden wij actie voor 198 advocaten in 38 landen en organiseerden we vele activiteiten. Onder veel meer startten wij een campagne voor milieurechtadvocaten, die juist in tijden van klimaatverandering wereldwijd veel problemen ondervinden vanwege hun werk. We gingen

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10 mei 2023

Letter on ongoing trial Hejaaz Hizbullah


On 8 May 2023, Lawyers for Lawyers has sent a letter to the Attorney General of Sri Lanka to express our concern about the ongoing trial of lawyer and human rights defender Hejaaz Hizbullah. Hejaaz Hizbullah is a minority rights

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9 mei 2023

Report: Lawyer-Client Confidentiality in a Digitalized Society

Lawyers for Lawyers has launched the report “Lawyer-Client Confidentiality in a Digitalized Society”. The report reflects on the worrisome trend of infringements of the legal professional privilege and confidentiality (LPPC), particularly in the context of digital communications. The principle of

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3 mei 2023

Att. Marco Emanuel Chung Ramos: “It is not just the protection of the environment; it is a protection of what is ours and of who we are”


Illustration: Joost Hölscher Marco Emanuel Chung Ramos is a lawyer specialising in human rights and criminal law who – on top of that – has made a career out of his environmental activism in Peru. Mr. Marco Chung characterises his

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1 mei 2023

Board of the Izmir Bar acquitted on all charges


On 24 April 2023, representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers observed a hearing in a trial against the ex-president and the ex-members of the Izmir Bar Association. The board was accused of ‘publicly denigrating the religious values adopted by a section

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28 april 2023

Joint statement on arrest Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan


Lawyers for Lawyers, The 29 Principles, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the Rights Practice, the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), and the Martin Ennals Foundation condemn the arrest of lawyer Yu Wensheng

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24 april 2023

Joint statement on the sentencing of Ding Jiaxi and Xu Zhiyong


In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers, The 29 Principles, the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), and The Rights Practice condemn the sentencing of lawyer Ding Jiaxi and

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