
1 juni 2022

Vacature programma assistent

12-16 uur per week, per 1 juli 2022  Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) komt op voor bedreigde advocaten. We helpen advocaten om hun taak als beschermer van de rechtsstaat vrij en onafhankelijk te kunnen uitoefenen en zetten ons in om vervolging

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1 juni 2022

L4L observed hearing in the CHD-1 trial


On 1 June 2022 representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), together with Lawyers from Italy, observed a hearing in the so-called CHD-1 case. In this case L4L-award laureate Selçuk Kozağaçlı is one of the 22 lawyers accused of terrorist related

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1 juni 2022

Sirikan Charoensiri: “Our gender, appearance and costume are not what define our abilities”


Lawyers for Lawyers presents the “Highlighting the Work of Female Lawyers from Asia” interview series. This series highlights the important work of inspiring female lawyers from Asia. We address the general challenges these lawyers face as women in the male

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31 mei 2022

Recap seminar “Environmental Justice and the Work of Environmental Lawyers”

On 19 May 2022, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Amsterdam Bar Association organized the seminar “Environmental Justice and the Work of Environmental Lawyers”. The seminar was part of the 2022 edition of Justitia, but also inaugurated Lawyers for Lawyers latest

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30 mei 2022

Speaker Tour with lawyer from Malaysia


To launch our one-year campaign focused on environmental lawyers, we invited environmental lawyer and human rights defender Charles Hector from Malaysia to the Netherlands for a Speaker Tour. As part of the Speaker Tour, Charles Hector spoke to colleagues lawyers

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26 mei 2022

Lawyers Day Tajikistan


Today, Lawyers Day, marks the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the first Tajik Bar Association. However, the situation of lawyers in Tajikistan remains concerning and, on what should be a day of celebration, Lawyers for Lawyers would like to

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25 mei 2022

Joint letter on the detention of Alexander Danilevich


In a joint letter, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) express serious concerns regarding the detention of Belarusian lawyer Alexander Danilevich. According to the information we have received, on 20 May 2022,

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25 mei 2022

Video message from the Vice-President of the Ukrainian National Bar Association


Lawyers for Lawyers and the Amsterdam Bar Association organised a seminar on ‘Environmental Justice and the Work of Environmental Lawyers’ on 19 May 2022. We wanted to make use of the opportunity to address the ongoing war in Ukraine from

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24 mei 2022

Joint statement: Qatari lawyers sentenced to life imprisonment


In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers expresses grave concern about the sentencing to life imprisonment of Qatari lawyers Hazza bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri and Rashed bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri by the Second Circuit Criminal Court of Qatar

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23 mei 2022

Abderrazak Kilani convicted to a one-month suspended prison sentence


On 19 May 2022, Abderrazak Kilani, lawyer and former president of the Tunisian Bar Association, was convicted to a one month suspended prison sentence by the Tunis Permanent Military Court of First Instance for “insulting a public official in the

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10 mei 2022

Letter on the arrest, detention and prosecution of Abderrazak Kilani


In a joint letter Lawyers for Lawyers, the Law Society of England and Wales, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada express grave concern  about the arrest, detention and prosecution before a military tribunal of Abderrazak

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9 mei 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers nominates Can Atalay for the International Hrant Dink Award


Lawyers for Lawyers is proud to support the nomination of Can Atalay for the International Hrant Dink Award. Annually, this award is presented to individuals, organisations and groups that give inspiration and hope to people for holding on to their

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