
15 oktober 2022

Voormalig voorzitter L4L benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau

Op 18 september 2022 is voormalig L4L-voorzitter Phon van den Biesen benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Hij ontving de koninklijke onderscheiding vanwege zijn inzet als advocaat, bestuurder en lobbyist voor de rechtstaat en de mensenrechten. Van den

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14 oktober 2022

Joint Statement on the Arrest, Detention, and Ill Treatment of Lawyers in Iran


The Law Society of England and Wales and Lawyers for Lawyers call on the Iranian Government to halt the arbitrary arrest, detention, and ill treatment of lawyers and allow protesters access to legal representatives. Nation-wide protests began on 16 September

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13 oktober 2022

Pietrzak v. Poland: why Lawyers for Lawyers follows the proceedings


  On September 27, 2022 the European Court of Human Rights held a Chamber hearing in the case involving Polish lawyer and Dean of the Warsaw Bar Mikołaj Pietrzak. The case is treated in parallel with three employees of non-governmental

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11 oktober 2022

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) delivered an oral statement on the situation of lawyers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The statement was delivered during

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10 oktober 2022

Nobel Peace Prize 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that the Nobel Peace Prize 2022 has been awarded jointly to the human rights defender, Ales Bialiatski from Belarus, the Russian human rights organisation Memorial and the Ukranian human rights organisation, Center for Civil

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9 oktober 2022

5 years since arrest of Li Yuhan


Today, it is exactly five years after Chinese human rights lawyer Li Yuhan was arrested on 9 October 2017. Li Yuhan was tried in October 2021 but is still to receive a verdict. In the meantime, her health is deteriorating

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6 oktober 2022

Joint oral statement to the Human Rights Council on the Philippines


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), Karaptan and the Law Society of England and Wales delivered an oral statement on the situation of lawyers in the Philippines. The statement

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5 oktober 2022

Statement on the arrest of Haitian lawyer Robinson Pierre-Louis


French version below English: Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the judicial harassment of Haitian lawyer Robinson Pierre-Louis. Mr Pierre-Louis is prosecuted for intervening in his capacity as a lawyer in an arms trafficking case. On 1 July 2022, a

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5 oktober 2022

Joint Oral Statement at the OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference on Belarus


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), European Lawyers (CCBE) and Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights delivered an oral statement on the situation of lawyers in  Belarus. The statement was

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3 oktober 2022

PEN Norway and Lawyers for Lawyers event


Defending the rule of law in Turkey PEN Norway Turkey Indictment Project Law Hub, Thursday 3 November, 2022 (16.00 to 17.30 CET) Nieuwe Achtergracht 164, Amsterdam REGISTER HERE Two top human rights lawyers from Turkey, Veysel Ok and Ümit Büyükdağ,

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3 oktober 2022

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council on the Russian Federation

Russian Federation

On 26 September 2022, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement on the situation of lawyers and human rights defenders

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3 oktober 2022

Submission to the Human Rights Committee-The Philippines


In its upcoming 136th session, the Human Rights Committee will review the fifth state report submitted by the Philippines and will adopt concluding observations that will assist the Philippines in the implementation of the ICCPR. Lawyers for Lawyers welcomed the

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