
22 juli 2021

The Hague Young Bar Association raises €8000 for Lawyers for Lawyers

The The Hague Young Bar Association has raised €8000 for Lawyers for Lawyers through their ”Hapweg” auction and additional donations. On 16 July 2021, the The Hague Young Bar Association organized a barbecue and auction to raise money for Lawyers

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21 juli 2021

Report: Lawyers Under Threat – Increasing Suppression of the Legal Profession in Belarus


Lawyers for Lawyers, the American Bar Association Center for Human Rights (ABA CHR), and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) have launched the joint report “Lawyers Under Threat: Increasing Suppression of the Legal Profession in Belarus.” The report

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20 juli 2021

Mahienour El-Massry released from prison


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that Mahienour El-Massry, a prominent human rights lawyer from Egypt, has been released from prison. On 22 September 2019, Mahienour el-Massry was arrested in front the State Security Prosecution office in Cairo, where she

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19 juli 2021

Concerns about access to the legal profession and increasing disbarments of lawyers in Turkey


In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers, AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers, the Institute for the Rule of Law of the International Association of Lawyers (UIA-IROL), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada,

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16 juli 2021

UPR submission Uganda


On 15 July 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Uganda. The next UPR of Uganda will take place in January 2022. In the report, Lawyers for Lawyers highlights that Uganda is currently not

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16 juli 2021

Joint UPR submission Zimbabwe


On 15 July 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers together with Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Zimbabwe. The UPR of Zimbabwe will take place in January 2022. In the report, Lawyers

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16 juli 2021

Joint UPR submission Venezuela


On 15 July 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) submitted a joint report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Venezuela. The next review for Venezuela will take place January 2022. In the

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15 juli 2021

End harassment of Michał Romanowski


Lawyers for Lawyers, the Amsterdam Bar Association and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) call for an end to the harassment of Polish lawyer Michal Romanowski, in relation to his legitimate professional activities. Michał Romanowski is a Polish attorney and

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9 juli 2021

6-year anniversary of the 709-Crackdown


Today, July 9, 2021 marks the sixth anniversary of what has come to known as the ‘709 Crackdown’: the nationwide crackdown on Chinese lawyers and human rights activists on the 9th of July 2015. During the summer of 2015, the

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9 juli 2021

Targeting of Algerian lawyers constitutes new escalation in the unrelenting criminalisation of fundamental freedoms


The undersigned organizations are concerned about the attacks against lawyers from the Collective for the Defence of Hirak Detainees, as part of the Algerian authorities’ accelerated crackdown on the peaceful Hirak movement. The organisations are further alarmed by the recent

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9 juli 2021

Joint statement on the sixth anniversary of the ‘709 Crackdown’


Today, 9 July 2021, we, the undersigned organizations, take the opportunity to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the crackdown on Chinese lawyers and human rights defenders which occurred in the People’s Republic of China on 9 July 2015. On that

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6 juli 2021

Joint oral statement during id with SR on human rights in Belarus


On 5 July, Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus. The dialogue took place during the 47th session of the

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