
21 januari 2021

Joint petition letter on Yu Wensheng


In a petition letter adressed to the Chinese authorities, lawyers’ organisations and legal professionals from all over the world, including Lawyers for Lawyers, express concern about Yu Wensheng’s scheduled transfer to prison in Jiangsu and his health condition. Human rights

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20 januari 2021

In Profiel: advocaat Wout Albers

Wout Albers valt op als sociaal advocaat in Amsterdam. Na zijn rechtenstudie, tien jaar vrijwilligerservaring bij Amnesty International en periodes in Frankrijk en Colombia, startte hij zijn eigen praktijk, Taelman Advocaten, en sloot hij zich aan bij Lawyers for Lawyers.

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18 januari 2021

Fantastische opbrengst veiling Balie Oost-Brabant!

Afgelopen vrijdag heeft de balie in Oost-Brabant heeft een bedrag van €12.000 bijeengebracht voor Lawyers for Lawyers door middel van een veiling tijdens een digitale nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst. Lawyers for Lawyers dankt de Balie Oost-Brabant voor deze fantastische donatie! Om gezamenlijk het

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14 januari 2021

Advocacy charter Nepal


Lawyers for Lawyers submitted an advocacy charter to several country delegations to draw attention to the situation of lawyers in Nepal with regard to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Nepal. In July 2020, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for

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14 januari 2021

Advocacy charter Myanmar


Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) submitted an advocacy charter to several country delegations to draw attention to the situation of lawyers in Myanmar with regard to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Myanmar. In July 2020, Lawyers

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13 januari 2021

Turks sprekende stagiair(e) gezocht (stagevergoeding)

Gemiddeld 16-24 uur/wk, per 15 februari 2021 Wil jij meewerken aan een project met een focus op Turkije en daarmee het verschil maken voor bedreigde advocaten uit Turkije die opkomen voor de rechten van anderen? Wil jij leren hoe een

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5 januari 2021

Seminar – Day of the Endangered Lawyer (Azerbaijan)


The Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2021 focuses on Azerbaijan. The Law Society of England and Wales, ELDH, Deutscher Anwaltverein and Lawyers for Lawyers invite you to a seminar on some of the challenges faced by lawyers practising their profession

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17 december 2020

Hejaaz Hizbullah granted confidential access to counsel


According to information we have received, a Sri Lankan Attorney General has agreed to grant detained human rights lawyer Hejaaz Hizbullah confidential access to his lawyers for the first time since his arrest on 14 April 2020. Mr. Hizbullah was

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16 december 2020

Recap online Speaker Tour with lawyer from the Philippines

From 9 November to 7 December, Lawyers for Lawyers organized an online Speaker Tour with Czarina, a human rights lawyer from the Philippines. The Speaker Tour was organized with the support of Wolters Kluwer. As part of the Speaker Tour,

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15 december 2020

Order barring Beatrice Mtetwa from handling a case overturned


On 17 August 2020, lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa was disqualified from representing her client journalist Hopewell Chin’ono by a Zimbabwean Magistrate. This attracted global concerns. Today, on the 15th of December, there has been a very welcome development in the case. In their application

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15 december 2020

Dag van de Bedreigde Advocaat 2021 – Azerbeidzjan


24 januari 2021 is de jaarlijkse ‘Dag van de Bedreigde Advocaat’. Dit jaar staat de dag in het teken van advocaten uit Azerbeidzjan die vanwege hun legitieme werkzaamheden in de problemen komen. In het kader van deze dag worden op vrijdag 22

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14 december 2020

Online conference “Protection of Attorneys’ Rights: Russian Specificity”

On 19 December 2020, the online media project Voice of Attorney is organizing an international online conference on problems faced by Russian attorneys at law who have been persecuted for their professional activities in 2019 and 2020. The event is being

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