
20 november 2023

Ongoing trial of Sri Lankan lawyer Hejaaz Hizbullah


Lawyers for Lawyers remains committed to closely monitoring the proceedings involving Mr. Hizbullah, a dedicated lawyer and human rights advocate in Sri Lanka. These proceedings have exposed substantial concerns concerning due process and human rights within his case, underscoring the

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17 november 2023

Nasrin Sotoudeh released on bail after being arrested at funeral of Armita Garavand


Prominent human rights lawyer and women’s right activist Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested on Sunday 29 October 2023 in Tehran while attending the funeral of 16-year-old  Armita Garavand, who passed away a day earlier after nearly a month in coma. After

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13 november 2023

IBAHRI and L4L concerned over arbitrary lawyer license deprivation of Sahrawi human rights defender, M’hmed Hali


The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) are concerned over the situation of Saharawi human rights defender M`hamed Hali who has been arbitrarily deprived of his right to practice as a lawyer in the

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11 november 2023

Li Yuhan received a 6.5-Year verdict amid health struggles


On October 25, 2023, the Heping District Court in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, pronounced human rights lawyer Li Yuhan guilty of charges including “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and “fraud.” She was subsequently sentenced to 6.5 years in prison. Affectionately referred

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10 november 2023

Joint statement: three years after being charged, three Iranian human rights lawyers’ are set to face trial


Lawyers for Lawyers has received information that Iranian lawyers Nazanin Salari, Mahmoud Taravtrouy, and Masoud Ahmadian are expected to be tried on 11 November 2023. Together with 10 organisations, L4L issued a solidarity statement before the trial. Human Rights lawyers

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6 november 2023

NOvA-commissie: ruim helft verkiezingsprogramma’s voldoet niet volledig aan minimumnormen van de rechtsstaat

the Netherlands

De Nederlandse orde van advocaten (NOvA) heeft ook voor de komende Tweede Kamerverkiezingen een commissie ingesteld die de verkiezingsprogramma’s toetst op rechtsstatelijkheid. Één van de commissieleden is voorzitter van het L4L bestuur Irma van den Berg. Bij tien van de

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1 november 2023

Joint letter: Urgent request for intervention in favour of Mrs Nasrin Sotoudeh


The undersigned organizations urge you to take concrete and urgent action in the case of Nasrin Sotoudeh, prominent and well-known lawyer and human rights defender . Download the PDF On Sunday, 29 October, the media broke the news that she

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30 oktober 2023

Belarus: Suppression of independent lawyers has intensified. Is there a Solution?


October 9, 2023 – On the sidelines of the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, Lawyers for Lawyers, co-hosted a side event on Belarussian Lawyers. The event served to elaborate on the plight of the legal profession in Belarus, to introduce the

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27 oktober 2023

Report: An Analysis of the Indictment against Lawyer Aryen Turan – PEN Norway

Lawyers for Lawyers has written a report for the PEN Norway Turkey Indictment Project. The report is titled “Legal Report on Indictment: Aryen Turan” and examines the flaws of the indictment issued against Turan in 2022 in light of Turkish domestic legislation and

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20 oktober 2023

Statement on the arrest of Pakistani lawyer Imaan Mazari


Lawyers for Lawyers is deeply concerned about the situation of human rights lawyer Imaan Mazari (full name Imaan Zainab Mazari-Hazir) from Pakistan. Our organization has strong reasons to believe that the successive arrests of Imaan Mazari are directly linked to

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18 oktober 2023

Vacature algemeen bestuurslid

Voor het bestuur van Lawyers for Lawyers zijn we op zoek naar twee algemeen bestuursleden Functie Als bestuurslid ben je nauw betrokken bij de groei van de stichting en lever je een bijdrage aan de bepaling en bewaking van koers

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13 oktober 2023

Oral statement to Human Rights Committee on Iran


On 9 October, Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement on Iran during the 139th session of the Human Rights Committee. During the session, the Committee reviewed Iran’s compliance with its international human rights obligations, and more in particular the

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