
14 februari 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers receives donations from the professionals who are connected to the ‘Beroepsopleiding Advocaten’

Lawyers for Lawyers has received a donation of €6.750 from the professionals who are connected to the ‘Beroepsopleiding Advocaten’, the vocational training for lawyers by the Netherlands Bar. The executive organization for the Beroepsopleiding Advocaten offered various Christmas gift options

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10 februari 2022

Geuzenpenning 2022 awarded to Lawyers for Lawyers

The Geuzenpenning 2022 has been awarded to Lawyers for Lawyers. This was announced by the Geuzenpenning Foundation today. Kathleen Ferrier, chairwoman of the Geuzenpenning foundation: “A free and independent professional practice of lawyers is indispensable for the rule of law

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9 februari 2022

Hejaaz Hizbullah released on bail


On 7 February 2022, Hejaaz Hizbullah was granted bail by the Court of Appeal after almost two years of pre-trial detention under Sri Lanka’s Prevention of Terrorism Act. On 9 February, Mr. Hizbullah was released on bail and reunited with

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7 februari 2022

Killing of Mexican Lawyer Verónica Guerrero


On 3rd February 2022, environmental and human rights lawyer Verónica Guerrero was killed in her car in Jalisco, Mexico. The killing was condemned by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. According to the information

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2 februari 2022

Killings of Philippine lawyers escalate


Attacks against lawyers in the Philippines continue to take place and killings have reached a record high since the start of President Duterte’s administration in 2016. In response to the escalating killings, Lawyers for Lawyers has researched the killings of

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1 februari 2022

Chinese New Year: Looking back on another year of crackdowns on China’s legal profession


Today, 1 February, marks the start of the Chinese New Year and the start of the Spring Festival. Hopefully, the start of the Year of the Tiger will bring a better tide for China’s human rights lawyers compared to the

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28 januari 2022

Concerns about harassment Song Yusheng, Wang Yu and Xie Yang


Lawyers for Lawyers has learned that Chinese lawyers Xie Yang, Wang Yu and Song Yusheng have been detained, disbarred or harassed in January 2022. In a statement we express concern about the recents acts of harassment against the lawyers. Beijing-based

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27 januari 2022

Letter on the trial and ongoing detention of Hejaaz Hizbullah


The case against Sri Lankan human rights lawyer Hejaaz Hizbullah at the Puttalam High Court will be taken up on 28 January 2022. In the run-up to the hearing, Lawyers for Lawyers has sent a letter to the Sri Lankan

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19 januari 2022

Iran: Arbitrary detention of lawyers and human rights defenders


We are gravely concerned about the pattern of unlawful detention of human rights lawyers and defenders in Iran in violation of Iran’s international human rights law obligations. In a joint letter we elaborate our concerns about the unlawful detention of

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17 januari 2022

Discussion on the UN Guidelines for Lawyers in Support of Peaceful Assemblies

Join the online discussion on the United Nations Guidelines for Lawyers in Support of Peaceful Assemblies from 13:30- 15:00 CET on 24 January 2022. The event is co-sponsored by Lawyers for Lawyers. The Guidelines for Lawyers in Support to Peaceful

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12 januari 2022

7 years since Waleed Abu al-Khair was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment on appeal

Saudi Arabia

Today marks 7 years since the conviction and sentencing on appeal of the prominent human rights lawyer and founder of the Monitor of Human Rights in Saud Arabia Waleed Abu al-Khair to fifteen years imprisonment. Join us today to take

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5 januari 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers and ABA CHR sumbit report on Belarus to OHCHR


Lawyers for Lawyers handed in a submission on Belarus to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). For this submission, the OHCHR invited individuals, groups, and organizations to submit information and documentation relevant to the

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