
27 juni 2022

Vacature programma medewerker

Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) komt op voor bedreigde advocaten. We helpen advocaten om hun taak als beschermer van de rechtsstaat vrij en onafhankelijk te kunnen uitoefenen en zetten ons in om vervolging van advocaten te voorkomen of te beëindigen. Lawyers

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25 juni 2022

L4L observes third hearing in case Ankara Bar Association


On 22 June 2022, representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers observed the third hearing in the trial against the Executive Board Members of the Ankara Bar Association (ABA). The Executive Board was charged for insulting a public official after releasing a

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23 juni 2022

Mohamed El-Baqer: 1000 days of arbitrary detention


Lawyer Mohamed El-Baqer must be released immediately and unconditionally, stated 19 human rights organisations, including Lawyers for Lawyers. His detention is arbitrary, aimed at punishing him for his legitimate human rights work and is only putting his life and psychological

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23 juni 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers monitored second hearing in trial of Berrak Çağlar


On 14 June 2022, representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers observed the second hearing in the trial of lawyer Berrak Çağlar who is accused of being a member of an armed terrorist organization, after expressing solidarity with her imprisoned colleague lawyers

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22 juni 2022

Interview with Daria Korolenko: “We’ve talked about it for a long time, but only now has it become more visible outside of Russia”

Russian Federation

To help or support lawyers from the Russian Federation, the international legal community should use their resources to advocate for the documentation, monitoring and investigation of human rights violations in Russia, says OVD-Info’s Daria Korolenko. OVD-Info OVD-Info is an independent

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20 juni 2022

Malaysian lawyers denied from taking part in Walk for Judicial Independence


It has been reported that Malaysian lawyers were denied by the Malaysian police to march from Padang Merbok to the Parliament in the Walk for Judicial Independence on 17 June 2022. The Walk for Judicial Independence was meant to be

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20 juni 2022

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council on Iran, Turkey, China

On 20 June 2022, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement on the systematic pattern of arbitrary detention of lawyers in Iran, Turkey and China. The statement was delivered during the 50th session of

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18 juni 2022

Abderraouf Arslane released from prison


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that Algerian lawyer Abderraouf Arslane has been released from prison on 15 June 2022 after being imprisoned for more than a year. Mr. Arslane was sentenced to three years in prison on 14 June

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17 juni 2022

Joint statement on the situation in Egypt – International Fair Trial Day


Today, 14 June 2022, marks the International Fair Trial Day (IFTD), which will be observed for the second time worldwide. The focus country of the IFTD this year is Egypt, a country that is and has been suffering for many

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17 juni 2022

Dutch NGOs award Human Rights Prize to Dutch Ambassador in Costa Rica

The Dutch embassy in Costa Rica has won the first edition of the Human Rights Prize for Dutch Embassies. The biennial prize is awarded by 18 Dutch human rights and development organisations[1] to the Dutch embassy that has been most

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16 juni 2022

Letter to Thai authorities on disbarment proceedings against Arnon Nampa


In a joint letter, Lawyers for Lawyers and The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) expressed concerns about the disbarment proceedings against lawyer and human rights defender Mr. Arnon Nampa. Lawyers for Lawyers and the CCBE are

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16 juni 2022

International Fair Trial Day Event on 17-18 June 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers is happy to share the agenda for the event on 17-18 June 2022 for the second International Fair Trial Day. The focus country of this year’s International Fair Trial Day is Egypt. In 2021, an annual International Fair

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