
22 december 2022

Adil Meléndez Marquez: “When starting a legal case, there is no guarantee at all that it will ever be treated, let alone that environmental and human rights violations are actually punished”


Illustration: Joost Hölscher Adil Meléndez Márquez, 46 years old and born in San Onofre, department of Sucre, Colombia, lives in the north of Colombia in Cartagena de las Indias. He works as an environmental and human rights lawyer and mainly

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22 december 2022

Lawyers supporting protestors in China targeted by authorities


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about reports of lawyers being targeted by the Chinese state security police. The lawyers have been providing pro bono legal advice to people arrested during the recent anti-lockdown protests. In the past few weeks, peaceful

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19 december 2022

Joint letter: on-going imprisonment of lawyer Buzurghmehr Yorov and current detention conditions


In a joint letter to the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, Lawyers for Lawyers and Freedom Now have expressed their concern about the on-going imprisonment of lawyer Buzurghmehr Yorov. On 6 October 2016, Mr. Yorov was found

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16 december 2022

Concerns over new situation of Belarusian lawyer Maksim Znak in prison


According to the information received, Belarusian lawyer Maksim Znak had been sent to a cell-type premise on 2 December 2022 and there is no clarity on when he will be able to leave the cell. He has already been placed

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13 december 2022

Supreme Court of Burundi quashes the judgement convicting lawyer Tony Germain Nkina


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that the Supreme Court of Burundi has quashed the judgement leading to the conviction of Tony Germain Nkina. The human rights lawyer from Kayanza, Burundi is well known and provides legal assistance to detained

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8 december 2022

Possible forced deportation of French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hammouri

Occupied Palestinian Territory

Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the possible forced deportation of the French-Palestinian human rights lawyer Salah Hammouri. Mr. Hammouri has been held in pre-trial detention for nine months already, and is currently fighting the revocation of his Jerusalem residency.

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7 december 2022

Kroniek van een aangekondigde dood, maar dan in Turkije


Tahir Elçi, advocaat en deken van de Orde van Advocaten van Diyarbakir in Zuidoost-Turkije, werd op zaterdag 28 november 2015 meteen na een persconferentie op klaarlichte dag door het hoofd geschoten en overleed ter plekke. De vrouw van Tahir Elci

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5 december 2022

Vacature student-stage

Gemiddeld 8 uur/wk, per 1 februari 2023 Wil jij het verschil maken voor bedreigde advocaten die opkomen voor de rechten van anderen? Wil jij leren hoe een NGO werkt en een netwerk opbouwen met advocaten van kleine en grote kantoren?

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5 december 2022

Joint letter: arrest and house arrest of Elchin Sadigov


In a joint letter to the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Lawyers for Lawyers and the International Observatory for Lawyers have expressed their concern about the pre-trial detention and house arrest of lawyer Elchin Sadigov. On 10 September 2022,

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4 december 2022

Day of the Lawyer in Belarus


4 December marks Lawyers’ Day in Belarus, a professional holiday. Nevertheless, Lawyers for Lawyers continues to be concerned about the situation of Lawyers in Belarus. The Belarusian lawyers are subject to harassment, intimidation as well as improper interference while they

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30 november 2022

Muhammad Jamil “the denial and concealment of public information must be ended now”


As a lawyer working for the Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM), Muhammad Jamil seeks to protect the communities that are affected by the mining business by using advocacy and litigation tools to hold corporations that damage the environment accountable. This work

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29 november 2022

Joint statement calling for the release of Li Yuhan


On the International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, Lawyers for Lawyers joined by a large group of organisations is calling for the release of Chinese human rights lawyer Li Yuhan. The full statement can be found here. The 29 Principles,

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