
6 december 2021

Joint submission SR/IJL regarding report HRC


Lawyers for Lawyers, The 29 Principles, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the Paris Bar Association, Human Rights Now, the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, and China Change have sent

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2 december 2021

Russian Federation: Authorities must cease harassment of lawyer Ivan Pavlov

Russian Federation

We, the undersigned organizations, condemn the various forms of harassment against lawyer Ivan Pavlov, which have involved multiple violations of his human rights, as well as hindrance of his professional activities. Recently, authorities of the Russian Federation filed a motion

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2 december 2021

Vacature student-stage

Gemiddeld 8 uur/wk, per 1 februari 2022 Wil jij het verschil maken voor bedreigde advocaten die opkomen voor de rechten van anderen? Wil jij leren hoe een NGO werkt en een netwerk opbouwen met advocaten van kleine en grote kantoren?

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1 december 2021

Trial of Abderraouf Arslane has started


On 30 November 2021, the trial against Algerian lawyer Abderraouf Arslane started. During the hearing the court confirmed the accusations against him and referred his case to the Tebessa criminal court. The next hearing in his case will be held

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30 november 2021

Letter on the sentencing of Leanid Sudalenka


In a letter, Lawyers for Lawyers expresses concern about the recent sentencing of Belarusian lawyer Leanid Sudalenka. On 5 February 2021, we previously raised concern about his arrest and detention in a joint letter. Mr. Sudalenka is the Chairman of

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25 november 2021

Continued detention of Hejaaz Hizbullah


On 19 November 2021, the bail hearing of Hejaaz Hizbullah took place at the Puttalam High Court. During this hearing, the judge stated that the High Court does not have the jurisdiction to grant bail under the PTA, Sri Lanka’s

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25 november 2021

Joint statement on the harassment of Edem Semedliaiev

We, the undersigned organizations, are concerned about the detention, conviction and sentencing of lawyer Edem Semedliaiev from Crimea. On 25 October 2021, Russian police arrested 21 Crimean residents in Simferopol on administrative charges of ‘organizing public assemblies that led to

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23 november 2021

Robert Roșu released from prison


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that Robert Roșu, partner at the law firm Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii in Bucharest, will be released from Rahova prison today after his appeal was admitted by the High Court of Cassation and Justice.

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9 november 2021

Joint letter on the ongoing pre-trial detention of Abderraouf Arslane


In a joint letter, Lawyers for Lawyers and seven other signatories, including the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), express concern about the ongoing pre-trial detention of Algerian lawyer Abderraouf Arslane. Currently, Mr. Arslane is at risk of a

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9 november 2021

Oproep demonstratie Turkse consulaat

Op 16 november 2021 komen advocaten in actie ter ondersteuning van de Turkse advocaten en rechters èn om op te roepen tot onmiddellijke vrijlating van advocaten die vervolgd worden vanwege de uitoefening van hun beroep. Ook u kunt in actie

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8 november 2021

Uitnodiging: seminar en uitreiking Lawyers for Lawyers Award

Lawyers for Lawyers en de Amsterdamse Orde van Advocaten nodigen u uit om deel te nemen aan het seminar ‘Resilience of Lawyers in Different European Contexts’ en de uitreiking van de Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2021 in theater de Rode

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8 november 2021

Four years since the arrest of Selçuk Kozağaçlı


Today, 8 November 2021, it has been exactly four years since the arrest of lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı from Turkey. On the 6 November 2017, Selçuk Kozağaçlı was arrested and charged with “membership of a terrorist organisation”. Two years later, in

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